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Terms and Conditions


Article 1: The person

Carolina Baurmann under the name of Horse Conversations



Article 2: Applicability

1. These general terms and conditions apply to all deliveries of services and/or (digital) products from Horse Conversations or on behalf of Horse Conversations.

2. Before the distance contract is concluded, these general terms and conditions will be made available to the consumer.

3. The agreement is concluded when the consumer has accepted an offer from Horse Conversations.

4. Parties may only deviate from these general terms and conditions if they have expressly agreed to this in writing.

5. If one or more provisions of these general terms and conditions prove to be void or voidable, the agreement and these terms and conditions will otherwise remain in force and the provision in question will be immediately replaced in mutual consultation by a provision that retains the scope of the original as much as possible. approached.


Article 3: The offer

1. It is possible to purchase (digital) products and/or services via the website.

2. The offer is without obligation. Horse Conversations is entitled to change the offer.

3. The offer contains a complete and accurate description of the products and/or services offered. The description is sufficiently detailed to enable a good assessment of the offer by the consumer.

4. The prices stated in the offer of products or services are inclusive of VAT for the Netherlands, reversed charged for other EU countries and countries outside the EU.


Article 4: Right of withdrawal and exclusion

1. When purchasing products, the consumer has the option to terminate the agreement within 14 days without giving reasons. This reflection period starts on the day after receipt of the product by the consumer.

2. When purchasing digital products and/or services, the consumer agrees that delivery will take place within the statutory cooling-off period.

3. The right of withdrawal expires prematurely after delivery of digital products and/or services that cannot be returned due to their nature. If paragraph 2 applies, the consumer declares that he/she waives his/her right of withdrawal upon entering into this agreement.


Article 5: Liability

1. Horse Conversations is only liable for any damage suffered by the consumer if and insofar as this damage is caused by intent or gross negligence.

2. Horse Conversations cannot be held liable for any damage, injury or illness related to the products and/or services supplied by Horse Conversations.

3. If Horse Conversations is liable, Horse Conversations liability is limited to the amount paid out in the relevant case under its liability insurance policies. If, for whatever reason, no insurance payment is made, Horse Conversations’ liability is limited to the invoice value of the relevant product and/or service.


Article 6: Intellectual property rights (IP rights)

1. All IP rights of Horse Conversations belong exclusively to Horse Conversations and are never transferred to the consumer.

2. The consumer is prohibited from disclosing and/or multiplying, modifying or making available to third parties the digital products and/or services to which Horse Conversations’ IP rights rest without the express prior written permission of Horse Conversations and an agreement agreed for this purpose. monetary compensation.

3. In the event of an infringement, Horse Conversations will warn the consumer with a request to stop the infringement. If the customer does not stop the infringement, Horse Conversations has the right to demand compensation of at least ten times the invoice value that Horse Conversations normally charges for the product and/or service for each day that the infringement continues.


Article 7: Complaints

1. If the consumer is not satisfied with the products and/or services supplied by Horse Conversations, the consumer is obliged to report these complaints as soon as possible, but no later than 7 days after the consumer has discovered the defects.

2. Complaints can be reported via

3. Complaints submitted to Horse Conversations will be answered within 14 working days from the date of receipt.

4. The parties will try to find a solution together

Voorwaarden: Over mij
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